Watch Season 2 Trailer
Unscripted. Unfiltered. Unapologetic.
Diner stops and real talk. The voice of farmers — not politicians or promise-makers — just honest conversation about agriculture’s biggest issues: technology, policy, labor, the consumer… Nothing is off limits.
The headline and subheader tells us what you're offering, and the form header closes the deal. Over here you can explain why your offer is so great it's worth filling out a form for.
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Unscripted. Unfiltered. Unapologetic.
Diner stops and real talk. The voice of farmers — not politicians or promise-makers — just honest conversation about agriculture’s biggest issues: technology, policy, labor, the consumer… Nothing is off limits.
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Unscripted. Unfiltered. Unapologetic.
Diner stops and real talk. The voice of farmers — not politicians or promise-makers — just honest conversation about agriculture’s biggest issues: technology, policy, labor, the consumer… Nothing is off limits.
Want a seat at the table?
We want to expand the table for next season and we’re looking for outspoken, opinionated farmers to join us! Do you know someone who would be a perfect addition to The Farmers’ Table? Maybe it's you! We’re in search of varied opinions, backgrounds, experience and locations.
We’re Casting for The Farmers’ Table
Season 2 Episodes
Ep 1: The Labor of Labor
Ep 2: Dirt Poor and Land Rich
Ep 3: Weathering the Storm
Ep 4: The Changing Seasons
Ep 5: The Growing Policy Debate
Ep 6: The Wide World of the Web
Ep 7: Controlling the UnControllable
Ep 8: Reconnecting The Misconceptions of Farming

Andrew McCrea
Host, Farmer
In addition to being an author, radio and tv broadcaster, and journalist, Andrew McCrea continues to manage and work on his family’s 3,500-acre ranch in Northwest Missouri.
Between managing row crop production (corn and soybeans) and checking cattle on horseback, Andrew diligently tracks down the latest news to share with the American people.
Meet the Farmers
They are from different locations, have different levels of experience and cover a variety of agricultural offerings, but they all have one thing in common: Opinions. Meet the cast of The Farmers' Table Season 2.

Tekamah, NE
Quentin Connealy farms corn and soybeans. You may recognize him from a 2017 viral video in which he went wakeboarding on his flooded fields. Find him on Instagram and Twitter @Qconnealy19 and TikTok @qconnealy.

North Bend, NE
As a sixth-generation farmer, Jordan Emanuel farms with his grandfather, father, brother, and uncle. He raises corn, soybeans, seed corn, and seed beans along with a cow-calf herd. Follow him on Twitter @e_jordy12.

Lewisport, KY
Grayce Emmick is an eighth-generation grain farmer from Kentucky. Her social media farming content has garnered her 1.2 million followers. Find her on Instagram and Twitter @thefarmergrayce and Facebook at Farmer Grayce.

Ulysses, NE
Lukas Fricke, a sixth-generation farmer, is passionate about sustainability and using new technology and data to become more efficient on the farm. He raises corn, soybeans, and pigs. Follow with on Instagram and Twitter @_lukas_fricke.

Hampton, IA
A fourth-generation farmer from Hampton Iowa, April Hemmes has been farming since 1985. She's been county soil and water commissioner for more than 20 years and is one of 73 farmers on the United Soybean Board. Follow her on Instagram and Twitter @aprilhemmes.

Wahoo, NE
Melisa “Missy” Konecky is a fifth-generation farmer and third-generation dairy farmer at Beauty View Farms. She loves cows, cow puns, people who dress like cows, and cow print. Follow her on Instagram @mkonecky and Twitter @m_konecky.

New Haven, KY
Quint Pottinger owns the 1,200-acre Affinity Farms. He represents Kentucky on the United States Soybean Export Council. Find him on Instagram @affinity_farms_ky, Twitter @affinity_farms and on Facebook at Affinity Farms.

Albin, WY
Ron Rabou is a fifth-generation farmer and author. Outside of managing his Wyoming farm, Ron enjoys keynote speaking and conducting leadership training for ag organizations. Find him on Instagram and Twitter @ronrabou.

Madison, AL
Stuart Sanderson grows wheat, corn, and soybeans with his father and cousin on the 8,000-acre Henderson Farms. The group was named Alabama Farmers Federation’s Outstanding Young Farm Family in 2006.

Martinsburg, MO
A first-generation popcorn farmer, Gavin Spoor’s operation has grown from six acres to more than 120 acres in a few years. Find him on Instagram, Twitter @gavin_spoor and Spoor Farms on Facebook.

Henry, TN
Jim Tosh owns Tosh Farms, which includes 18,000 acres of row crops and 38,000 sows. With nearly 400 full-time employees, Tosh Pork is one of the largest swine operations in the U.S. Find Tosh Farms on Facebook.

Hastings, NE
Randy Uhrmacher is a fourth-generation farmer, operating alongside his son and brother. His Nebraska farm grows corn and soybeans, with the majority of his ground irrigated. Find him on Twitter @cornfrmr.
Season 2 Bloopers
Nashville Bloopers Pt. 1
Nashville Bloopers Pt. 2
Nebraska Bloopers Pt. 1
Nebraska Bloopers Pt. 2
Want a seat at the table?
We want to expand the table for next season and we’re looking for outspoken, opinionated farmers to join us! Do you know someone who would be a perfect addition to The Farmers’ Table? Maybe it's you! We’re in search of varied opinions, backgrounds, experience and locations.
We’re Casting for The Farmers’ Table
We want to expand the table for next season and we’re looking for outspoken, opinionated farmers to join us! Do you know someone who would be a perfect addition to The Farmers’ Table? Maybe it's you! We’re in search of varied opinions, backgrounds, experience and locations.
The headline and subheader tells us what you're offering, and the form header closes the deal. Over here you can explain why your offer is so great it's worth filling out a form for.